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Sunday, 31 July 2011

If we took a holiday Took some time to celebrate Just one day out of life It would be, it would be so nice

So I have just returned from the beautiful Algarve. It was HOT HOT HOT! meaning big, baggy long sleeved clothes were out...
My worst nightmare!!
In England I would never dream of wearing a short sleeved top even in summer (England does not have a real summer!) I feel so uncomfortable I would rather sweat away in a jumper that covers my flab than dare to bare flesh!
Well I walked around a water park in a swimming costume...felt uncomfortable at first but there were loads of bigger women there wearing bikinis so I thought I am never going to see these people again, apart from my friends, what the hell! Achievement! I would much rather have been the girl walking around confidently in a barely there bikini though. 

The food was amazing, fresh fish, veggies, salads! I didn't eat meat or chips the whole time I was away. It felt so good to eat an amazing meal and not feel bloated and guilty the moment the last mouthful has gone. 

The photos from the holiday make me feel sick. I look gigantic next to all my skinny friends. not one of them has an ounze of fat on them. So I decided this would be the last time I feel like the fat girl with my beautiful friends, I would make it my mission to slim down in time for my next holiday. Perhaps I wont quite be wearing a string bikini but I will definitely feel confident in whatever I will be wearing.
So here it goes day one of my slim down, wish me luck...

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