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Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Wanna feel your skin. You a beast, oh. You know that I like that. (your skin) Come here baby, All I wanna see you in is just skin.


For years I have been trying to establish a 'grown up' skincare routine.

By grown up I mean one where you cleanse tone and moisturize use glass jars filled with cream, have a shelf dedicated in the bathroom ready for taking of my layers of makeup.

I have tried and failed in my mission.(several times)

I love buying new skin care that promise no more spots, no more redness, no more dryness, have perfect skin like this model on our billboard...

Yeah right...

So where am I going wrong? why should I spend all my money on this face cream and to have it not perform miracles on my skin...how very dare they!

Obviously skin is more than just what you slather all over it, great skin comes from the inside. 

I do not drink enough water, who finds the time to drink 2 litres of water a day, I mean yes I have time to watch 60 episodes of come dine with me and with all that guzzling of diet coke my schedule is pretty full.

Then it comes to bed time, I should remove my makeup, cleanse my skin, tone and moustrise, perhaps even putting on a separate eye cream?
But when you've been up since 5:30am and its getting on for 23:00 the last thing you want to do is all that messing about opening bottles, turning on taps, picking up a muslin cloth. So wiping a face wipe over my face is as far as I can manage.

Setting my alarm ready to be woken at 5:30am is all I have time to do before I fall asleep, after surfing the internet and watching beauty channels on your tube of course.

Morning comes and I jump out if bed... yeah this definitely happens.

Snooze buttons are the best and worst things ever invented, should I get up and eat a sensible breakfast or should I press snooze and have 5 minutes asleep? snooze or cleanse? snooze or straighten my hair?

It is snooze every time of course.

So you can see my problems here. 
Yes I could make time to take care of my skin and today is THE DAY I do that, mark it in your diaries if you like!

Today I become a women, a grown up member of society that WILL look after her skin. I know in 10 years I wont want to be saying if only I hadn't pressed that snooze button so many times I wouldn't be so horribly wrinkled and putrid now.


ONE - drink at least 2 litres of water per day  

TWO - remove my makeup (Liz Earle cleanse and polish)

THREE - exfoliate (soap and glory no clogs allowed deep pore detox mask)

FOUR - deep moisturize (no 7 Heavenly Hydration Moisture Mask http://www.boots.com/en/No7-Heavenly-Hydration-Moisture-Mask-100ml_15729/) 

FIVE - Zap pesky spots (freederm spot gel)

*round of applause for day one*

Do i get a gold medal now?

NO...but i get to go to sleep knowing i'll wake up and be on my way to beautiful clear skin!

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