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Sunday, 14 August 2011

Why WEIGHT When now is the right time? Today could just pass you by Why wait?

My Weight Loss Journey

Everyday this week do you now what I have eaten for lunch? 
Chicken Salad.....leaves, protein, healthy, yummyness!

(image courtesy of Google)

And also what is shocking is that it filled me up...I think of salad as being boring, not filling, not food!
I just wasn't doing it right!
I am lucky as I work in an organic food shop that sells sandwiches, salads etc all with the calories written over everything I can not guess...oh that cheese and bacon sandwich must contain about 3 calories no it has 480 WOW no thanks!
Job done!
So I have been having a flavoured water and salad and taking some nuts home as a snack before tea. 
Now to tackle portion size at home, making those tasty things my boyfriend loves healthy...perhaps an impossible task?

(image courtesy of Google)

We shall see....

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