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Sunday, 21 August 2011

I know how I want you to say goodbye Find a circus ring with a flying trapeze Tell me on a sunday please

Sundays should involve being lazy doing nothing, eating, sleeping and doing what I love with the people I love. 
Today involved a trip to B & Q to buy stuff to finish the tiling and fitting of our shower in our bathroom. 
It was a disappointing day as the shower could not be finished as there is no electrical attachment to the electrics....yes it is fitted to the shower but no power attached to the cable, so frustrating!
I also baked Marshmallow hummingbird bakery cupcakes they were very yummy.
Not looking forward to getting up for work tomorrow. So here are my INS and OUTS as of Sunday!

- Driving around in the sunshine blasting Rage against the Machine 
- Baking Chocolate chip cookies and marshmallow cupcakes for my man
- Getting back into wearing the most amazing foundation that is bare escentuals (my shade is medium!)
- New skincare regime, spots cleared up and my skin looks brighter and clearer and I am enojying it!
- Starting to do slimming world with my mom
-Watching loads of movies including Jackie Brown, Titanic (for the first time), Toy story 3, Adulthood etc!

- Finding out that the guy who we brought this house off did not complete any job he started ie. fitted electrics for a shower but did not connect the electrics to anything....shower is fitted but NO power :( 
- Still not having a shower in our house
- My puppy dog being allergic to something and having to pay £200 to find out what!
- Having only what seems like one day of sunshine this summer 
- The amount of calories in the cookies and cupcakes I have been cooking for my man.

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