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Sunday, 14 August 2011

You’ll have to cry me out The tears that'll fall Mean nothing at all It’s time to get over yourself

Sometimes its good to have a big old cry, even though there is nothing particularly upsetting and you just feel like you need to...well cry. 

(image courtesy of Google)

I don't know about you but I always feel better after these random outbursts, instead of arguing with your boyfriend or shouting at some random in the street (I wouldn't, of course, just being over dramatic for the sake of this post) you can just curl up and shed some tears.
A film may set this off, a cute puppy on the TV perhaps a flower that sheds a single petal in the wind.
I am an emotional girl, but I am good at keeping it all bottled up. So the emotions build up inside of me and when my emotional boiling pot has reached its limit out come the tears, now is this just a coincident this happens at the time of the month?

Don't you love being female, hormonal breakouts, painful cramps, aches and pains, etc etc!
I can handle the physical pain no problem, could do without it, but i can handle it. Its the unexplained crying and being down for absolutely no reason. As I am always so smiley and happy all the time as soon as my period hits everyone knows, I am just not me for those 5 days. My boyfriend loves it. (sarcasm obviously)
So what can i do about it?
I find watching a sad film helps, feeling like its the end of the world and nothing will stop those tears ever again. crying till there are no tears left. And afterwards I can wash my face and get on with my day, with a smile on my face. 

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